Monday, October 17, 2011


Jeepneys are the Philippines, most widely used form of transportation and affordable. That came into existence at the end of World War 2, when the U.S. military they left the premises on his return home. It was known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating.

Step on any road in the Philippines and you are guaranteed to see a jeepney. These forms of transport are colors everywhere. The jeepney is the cheapest form of transport and only costs a few pesos to go almost anywhere in the city. Only the flag for the jeepney jump in the back (usually when it is in motion) pay the driver and jump to the local population location. They even have contests to see who has the most decorated jeepney to decorate almost anything, including the cockpit is illuminated with colored lights like a futuristic spaceship! or at the top of the Christmas tree!

The only thing about Jeepney Jeepneys is not the same. The time needed to decorate the jeepney is often much more than the actual time it took to build it.

Very often the Jeepneys are complete is to see people hanging back, people are packed like sardines in a can!

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